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Sushma Jaiswal

The story of how homemade food became a means of livelihood Name: Sushma Jaiswal (Mother) Child Name: Aditi Jaiswal CHID: 846066 Sub Project: Delhi – ALD The story of a mother who proved that “self- belief and hard work will always earn you success in life.” Aditi Jaiswal CH ID: 846066 Mother’s name: Sushma Jaiswal Sushma Jaiswal,...

Sponsored Families

CFCA organized annual workshop on Annual review and planning of 2017-18 in Delhi sub-projects where sponsored mothers told to CFCA staffs that they want to develop their skills for better livelihood opportunities. As most of the sponsored mothers are less educated and are household wives. These mothers wanted to learn...


Rashika is associated with CFCA- ALD from the year 2005 since its inception, she resides in the Mumfordganj area of Allahabad. Rashika is pursuing BFA (3rd year) from Lucknow University. She has 3 siblings, her elder sister got married, and brothers are pursuing higher education. Her mother Mrs. Shobha Devi...


  Limited employment opportunities forced Mr. Ram Narayan and his family to migrate in Delhi from U.P. The city offered him considerable work opportunity, but the cost of house hold necessities and education has far outweighed his income level. There are total 6 members and he is the only bread earner...


Diksha belongs to a lower middle class joint family in the Mumfordganj area of Allahabad. She has completed her schooling from her native place and after completing graduation from Allahabad sports coaching diploma from Patiala. Narrating her journey, she recalls that in the year 2007 her father took her to...